User Help > Working With Documents > Editing Content in Microsoft Word
Editing Content in Microsoft Word
Integrity Lifecycle Manager provides you with the ability to edit your document (and/or its content) in the Microsoft Word editor already installed on your system. For supported versions, see the following location:
Document and content is edited in a Word editor that is opened inside the Integrity Lifecycle Manager client, giving you access to Microsoft Word functionality while still using the Integrity Lifecycle Manager client. When you are finished using the editor, items are saved back to Integrity Lifecycle Manager for you.
Integrity Lifecycle Manager supports enhanced rich text content that you can use in Microsoft Word. You can also use the enhanced rich text features after publishing the content of MS Word to an Integrity Lifecycle Manager document. For more information, see “Working With Rich Content” and “Using the Word Editor”.
For information on requirements and caveats for this functionality, see “Word Editor Prerequisites”.
To edit content in Word
Integrity Lifecycle Manager Document Functionality in the Word Editor