Bookmarking and Cross-Referencing Documents
For large documents, you can enhance the organization and navigation by inserting bookmarks in rich content fields and cross-references to those bookmarks. For example, you can insert a bookmark to identify content that you frequently refer to in a document and then insert a cross-reference that links to that bookmark.
A bookmark identifies a key area of interest (text or image) in a document and is stored as a unique text string in an item’s rich content field. While hidden in the rich content field, a bookmark is visible as a tooltip in the text and when performing bookmarking and cross-referencing operations.
A cross-reference is a hyperlink to a bookmark in a document and is stored as a URL in an item’s rich content field. It displays as a blue underlined hyperlink in a rich content field and is accessible from the Document view only.
Key Considerations
• The > and > commands are only available from the Document view (GUI) with inline editing or the embedded item edit view enabled. In the GUI, you can edit and delete bookmarks and cross-references from all views that allow you to edit rich content fields. In the Web interface, you can delete bookmarks and cross-references only.
• A rich content field can contain multiple bookmarks and cross-references.
• A bookmark can contain a maximum of 40 characters consisting of letters, numbers, and underscores. Spaces and ASCII characters (!@#$%^&*()-=+[]{}\|;:'",.<>/?) are not permitted. If you create a bookmark from selected text in a rich content field, any unpermitted characters in the selection are automatically removed from the text in the Name field.
• To avoid naming conflicts and easily identify bookmarks, PTC recommends specifying simple and unique names for bookmarks. If multiple bookmarks with the same name exist, a cross-reference to the bookmark name navigates to the first occurrence of the bookmark in the document.
• To assist you in locating bookmarks in a document, hovering the cursor over text in a rich content field displays a tooltip if a bookmark exists, for example, Bookmark “engineering”.
• Cross-references are accessible from the Document view only. Clicking a cross-reference from the Item Details or Relationships views is unsupported.
• If a bookmark exists in the current document, but Document view filtering has hidden the item containing the bookmark, clicking a cross-reference to the bookmark displays a message indicating that the item is currently hidden.
• If you click a cross-reference in a parent document, Integrity Lifecycle Manager does not search for the bookmark in subdocuments. Similarly, if you click a cross-reference in a subdocument, Integrity Lifecycle Manager does not search for the bookmark in the parent document.
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