User Help > Grouping Units of Work in Change Packages > Viewing Change Package Entry Member Differences
Viewing Change Package Entry Member Differences
From the Change Package view, you can view the member differences of any change package entry.
From the Entries panel on the Change Package view, select the change package entry you want to difference.
Select Member > Views > View Differences.
From a Project view, select a member that has a change package associated with it.
Under theMember CPID column, click the number link for the change package.
From the Change Package view, select the change package entry you want to difference and select Actions > View Member Differences.
For updates, Integrity Lifecycle Manager compares the most recent revision checked into the change package with its immediately preceding revision. For example, if you want to view the differences for the member readme.txt at revision 1.3, Integrity Lifecycle Manager compares revisions 1.3 and 1.2, displaying them in the Differences window
For lock entries in the GUI, Integrity Lifecycle Manager compares the working file with the locked revision. You cannot difference a lock entry that does not have an associated Sandbox.
The Differences window displays the two revisions side-by-side, highlighting the differences between them, or Integrity Lifecycle Manager informs you that there are no differences.