User Help > Grouping Units of Work in Change Packages > Viewing Change Package Details and Entries
Viewing Change Package Details and Entries
si viewcp, si viewcps
Once you add entries to a change package, you can use Integrity Lifecycle Manager to view the change package information for the member or subproject.
To view information for a change package in the GUI
Do one of the following:
Select File > Open > Change Package, and then specify a change package.
Select a change package in the Change Packages view, and then select Change Package > View Change Package Details or File > Open > Selected.
Select a change package entry in the Working File Changes view, and then select Change Package > View Change Package Details.
To view information for a change package associated with a member operation in the GUI
Select the member in a Project or Sandbox view, and then select Member > Change Package
To view information for a change package associated with an annotated member revision in the GUI
From the Annotated Revision view, select the annotation block corresponding to the change package you want to view, and then select Change Package > View Change Package Details
To view information for a change package associated with a subproject operation in the GUI
Select the subproject in a Project or Sandbox view, and then select Project > Subproject Change Package
To view information for a change package in the Web interface
Select a member or revision in the Project or Member History view, and then select Change Package > View Change Package Details
You can also click the change package ID in the Project or Member History view to view the change package.
When viewing information for change packages associated with a member operation, you can select one of the following:
View Working displays the change package associated with a deferred or lock operation performed by the current user from the current Sandbox (available only through a Sandbox context).
View Member displays the change package associated with the operation that set the member revision.
View Creation displays the change package that created the revision that is currently the member revision. This revision may be different from the member change package ID if you used an import, add member from archive, or set member revision operation.
View Locker displays the change package associated with the non-exclusive lock on the member revision. If you use a non-exclusive locking policy, there can be multiple locks on the member revision. If there are multiple locks, the current user’s lock takes priority. If the current user does not have a lock associated with a change package, the change package associated with an exclusive lock displays. If there is no exclusive lock associated with a change package, the first non-exclusive lock on the member revision displays.
View Pending displays the change package associated with a pending operation.
When viewing information for change packages associated with a subproject operation, you can select one of the following:
View Member displays the change package associated with the current subproject configuration.
View Pending displays the change package associated with a pending subproject operation.
Change Package View