User Help > Displaying Item Data Graphically > Creating a Chart > Chart Dialog Box: Graph Tab
Chart Dialog Box: Graph Tab
Graph Style
Line graphs display trends over time or categories. Available for trend and item fields trend charts only.
Vertical bar graphs compare field values across categories. Available for all chart types.
Vertical stacked bar graphs display relationship of single items to whole. Available for all chart types.
Horizontal bar graphs compare field values across categories. Available for distribution and item fields charts only.
Horizontal stacked bar graphs display relationship of single items to whole. Available for distribution and item fields charts only.
Pie graphs display contribution of each field value to total. Available for distribution and item fields charts only. Distribution charts cannot contain grouping of field values and multiple aggregate expressions.
XY (scatter) graphs display relationships among numeric field values in groups of field data. Available only for distribution and item fields charts that include two aggregate expressions and no grouping of field values.
Bubble graphs are similar to XY (scatter) graphs; however, they compare three groups of field data. Size of bubble indicates value of third group of field data. Available only for distribution and item fields charts that include three aggregate expressions and no grouping of field values.
Table graphs display field data in simple table. Available for all chart types.
3D Chart
Click to create three dimensional chart.
Display Shapes (Line Graphs)
If you select line graph and you want to display shapes in chart, select this option. Shapes in chart represent data allowing you to differentiate data in chart more easily.
Display Labels
Click to display labels for values in chart. If you select pie graph style, this option is automatically selected.