What's New in Integrity Lifecycle Manager 11.1 > New Features: Integrity Lifecycle Manager 11.1 > Software Configuration Management: Integrity Lifecycle Manager 11.1 New Features
Software Configuration Management: Integrity Lifecycle Manager 11.1 New Features
The following new features have been added to Software Configuration Management in Integrity Lifecycle Manager 11.1.
Ability to export a sandbox
It is possible to export a sandbox to a file with the extension .pjx. This feature also works for Sandboxes in scenarios where the corresponding project no longer exists or the server no longer exists.
The following are possible uses for exporting sandboxes:
Exported sandboxes can be distributed to users to save them time and effort creating them.
Exporting a sandbox and then importing it into other clients can reduce network traffic for large file sets rather than creating a new sandbox.
Exporting a sandbox can be a way to duplicate the sandbox and retarget it to another development path.
Exported sandboxes can be part of a client upgrade strategy, to stagger the impact of the upgrade on work.
An exported sandbox can be used as part of troubleshooting an issue with technical support.
For more information, see Exporting a Sandbox and si exportsandbox.
New options when importing a sandbox
New options are available when using the command Sandbox > Import.
The following options are available from the Import Sandbox window:
Target Sandbox Directory specifies the location where the Sandbox will be located after it is imported. This option is only relevant when specifying a .pjx file for import.
Files to Include in the Import specifies the files to include when importing the Sandbox. This option is only relevant when specifying a .pjx file for import.
None specifies not to import working files in the Sandbox import operation. Working files can be obtained after import by resynchronzing the Sandbox.
Sandbox Members Only specifies to only include working files that correspond to members. Note that former members and deferred operations are also included.
All Files specifies to import all working files in the Sandbox. Note that non-member files are not added as members to the project, but the files are copied to the corresponding Sandbox directory.
Overwrite an Existing File in the Sandbox Directory specifies whether or not to overwrite an existing file in the target Sandbox directory. This option is only relevant when specifying a .pjx file for import.
View Sandbox After Import specifies whether or not to open the Sandbox view after this Sandbox is imported and registered on the client.
Equivalent options are also available from the CLI using the si importsandbox command.
For more information, see Importing a Sandbox and si importsandbox.
Ability to add or delete a manual merge line
Integrity Lifecycle Manager provides you the ability to create manual merge lines between two specific project revisions to visualize and record manual merge operations. The manual merge lines are distinct from automatic merge lines and are useful for quick visual reference of manual merges between project revisions in the Integrity Lifecycle Manager client GUI.
For more information, see the following topics:
Working with Manual Merge Lines
Adding Manual Merge Lines
Deleting Manual Merge Lines
si addprojectmergeline
si deleteprojectmergeline
Ability to view Resolved Permissions for members and projects
Integrity Lifecycle Manager now provides the ability to view resolved permissions for specified members and projects for current user or other users.
For more information on viewing resolved permissions for members, see the following topics:
Viewing Resolved Member Permissions
si memberpermissions
For more information on viewing resolved permissions for projects, see the following topics:
Viewing Resolved Project Permissions
si projectpermissions
Ability to discard or close empty change packages of other users
Integrity Lifecycle Manager 11.1 provides the ability to allow a user to discard or close empty change packages of other users, even if the user is not assigned the ChangePackageAdmin permission. If a change package is empty, other users can also close or discard the empty change package if they have the ManageEmptyChangePackage permission at the global level.
For more information, see the following topics:
Change Package Overview
Required Permissions
Change Package Related Permissions
ACL (Access Control List)
Enhanced archive management
Integrity Lifecycle Manager 11.1 provides usability improvements while working with project members. In this release of Integrity Lifecycle Manager, users can:
Open historical members for which the file extension has been changed in future revisions. The member can be opened using the new member extension with its old content.
Re-add dropped members from archive. The new menu option Members > Re-add Dropped Members displays a list of members that have been dropped from the selected project. Users can then select and re-add them back to the project. For more information, see Re-adding Dropped Members. Users can also view the list of dropped members using the new CLI command si viewdroppedmembers. For more information on this new command, see si viewdroppedmembers.
Performance improvements for high latency networks when executing the Create Sandbox, Move Members, and Resynchronize commands
Performance is improved for high latency networks by reducing network calls to the main server when executing the Create Sandbox, Move Members, and Resynchronize (members) commands.