Starting Diagnostic Tools with Administrator Permissions
You must have administrator permissions to configure Diagnostic Tools. Perform the following steps to start the Diagnostic Tools as an administrator:
1. Click > > . Programs within the PTC group appear
2. Right-click Diagnostic Tools and click Troubleshoot compatibility on the short-cut menu. The Program Compatibility dialog box opens.
3. Under Select troubleshooting options, click Troubleshoot program.
4. Under What problems do you notice?, select The program requires additional permissions, and click Next.
5. Under Test compatibility settings for the program, verify if the User Account Control setting appears as Run as administrator, and click Start the program.
6. Click Yes in the User Account Control dialog box. The Diagnostic Tools dialog box opens in the background.
7. Click Next. Under Troubleshooting has completed. Is the problem fixed?, click Yes, save these settings for this program.
8. Click Close to exit the Program Compatibility dialog box.