Adding the Recommendation Gadgets
You can add the Recommendation Gadgets to the dashboard by following the steps below:
1. Click Add Gadgets.
2. On the Recommendations tab, select RECOMMENDATIONS, TOP 5 RECOMMENDATIONS or both.
3. Click Add to add these gadgets to the dashboard.
The gadgets display the following information:
• RECOMMENDATIONS — Displays a summary of the number of recommendations in the last 10 days for each of the following statuses.
◦ New — Displays the total number of New recommendations. New recommendations are not yet viewed.
◦ Tracking — Displays the total number of Tracking recommendations. Tracking recommendations are viewed.
◦ Snoozed — Displays the total number of Snoozed recommendations. Snoozed recommendations are those for which there are no immediate plans to implement.
• TOP 5 RECOMMENDATIONS — Displays the top 5 recommendations with the highest impact from the last 10 days. Implementing these recommendations should resolve the issues that are resulting in unexpected exits and should also prevent some other issues.