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Owner Customization

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(sd-am-set-common-owner owner-group-list)
This function set a list of common owner groups for creation of new elements. There can be specified one list or a group of lists to bind the owner types of Annotation Module.
owner-group-list {LISTS OF KEYWORDS} - The owner types to be combined.
Valid keywords are: :GEO :C-GEO :TEXT :SYMBOL :SKETCH
  • a single list of these keywords or
  • a list of lists of these keywords
Every list is treated as a common owner group for the specified owner types which means that all types of this list have the same owner specified when a dialog to create an element of this type is opened or the owner is changed within the user interface.
  • :all - all owner types are combined, same as '((:GEO :C-GEO :TEXT :SYMBOL :SKETCH))
  • nil - reset owner behaviour to SD≤6.1, same as '((:GEO)(:C-GEO)(:TEXT)(:SYMBOL)(:SKETCH))
Return Value:
{LISTS OF KEYWORDS} - the current common owner group setting
nil - An error occured / nothing set.
(sd-am-set-common-owner '(:GEO :C-GEO)) GEO and C-GEO share a common owner
(sd-am-set-common-owner '( (:GEO :C-GEO) (:TEXT :SYMBOL) ) GEO&C-GEO and TEXT&SYMBOL share an owner each, respectively
(sd-am-set-common-owner :all) same owner for all types
(sd-am-set-common-owner nil) reset owner behaviour to SD≤6.1
(sd-am-set-common-owner) - no arguments - the current common owner group settings are returned

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(sd-am-set-default-owner owner-group
Set the default owner of a specified owner context.
owner-group {KEYWORD} - keyword to identify the owner context
Possible values are:
  • :geo - default geometry owner
  • :c-geo - default construction geometry owner
  • :text - default text owner
  • :symbol - default symbol owner
  • :sketch - default sketch owner
param {KEYWORD} - type of owner
Possible values are:
  • :current-sheet - the current sheet is set to be the default owner
  • :current-frame - the current frame is set to be the default owner
  • :2dview - the view specified in value is set to be the default owner
  • :sketch - the sketch specified in value is set to be the default owner
value {STRING or X,Y}
this value is only necessary for :2dview and :sketch.
the full path name of a Annotation View
the coordinates of the view / sketch to be used
Return Value:
{LIST} - of the following values
owner-group - specified in function call
part-name - annotator part name
type-of-owner - specified in function call
name-of-owner - display value to show in dialog
nil - An error occured.
(sd-am-set-default-owner :sketch :current-sheet)
 => (:SKETCH "~45" :CURRENT-SHEET "Act Sheet")
(sd-am-set-default-owner :text :2dview "/B1/vs1/front2")
 => (:TEXT "~26" :VIEW "front2")
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