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Sheet Metal Utilities


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sd-inq-part-sheet-metal-material  [function]

(sd-inq-part-sheet-metal-material part)
Returns the material assigned to the part using the Sheet Metal module. If no sheet metal material has been assigned to the part, this function returns nil.
part {SEL_ITEM}
Return Value:
nil - Part does not have any sheet metal material attributes.
{LIST mat-id thickness} - A list of material tool key {string} and the thickness {float}.
(sd-inq-part-sheet-metal-material  (sd-inq-curr-part))
          => '("(:SHOPNAME \"demoshop\" :TABNAME \"sheet_metals\" :ROWKEY (:MATERIAL \"UST 1203\" :THICK 1.5))" 1.25)
For old sheet metal parts and in case the used shop is not available, the material tool id is returned as
          => '("UST 1203" 1.25)
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