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Inspection Module

All below described functions are only available after the inspection module has been activated.

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Measurement Plan Queries

Measurement plan queries allow information associated with the measurement plan to be queried. Normally, these utilities are only useful when a group with associated annotations has been prepared using the command NAVIAGE_MEASUREMENT_PLAN. Use these to determine basic properties of the measurement plan.

SD-INQ-MEAS-PLAN-P  [function]

(sd-inq-meas-plan-p item)
Function to determine if specified item is a measurement plan. A measurement plan is defined as an annotation group that has been prepared using the command NAVIGATE_MEASUREMENT_PLAN.
item {SEL_ITEM} - sel_item of the object to query
Return Value:
t {Boolean} - item is a measurement plan
nil (Boolean) - item is not a measurement plan
(sd-inq-meas-plan-p my_group)
See Also:

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(sd-inq-meas-plan-sequence plan :mode mode)
Function to query all items included within the specified plan. The type of returned items is determined by the mode. By default, all annotations and subgroups within the plan are returned. By default, only the first level children of the specified plan are returned. If it is desired to query all items within this plan and all subgroups contained within this plan, use the recursive option. If the specified plan has not yet be prepared, the default sequence will be returned. Only those items that are valid members of the measurement plan will be returned. In other words, this function will only return those items that would be written out to the csv file.
plan {SEL_ITEM} - sel_item of the plan to query
:mode {KEYWORD [:all] }
  • :all - all annotations and subgroups are returned. This mode is only valid when the recursive option is not set.
  • :annotations - all annotations in the specified plan are returned
  • :subgroups - all subgroups in the specified plan are returned.
  • :recursive - all annotations in the specified plan and its subgroups are returned.
Return Value:
Items {List of SEL_ITEMS} - List of items in their sequence order. Type of item returned depends on :mode.
nil - Supplied plan is not a measurement plan or the measurement plan is empty.
;; query the annotations in the specified plan in their sequence order
(sd-inq-meas-plan-sequence plan :mode :annotations)
-> (anno1 anno2)
;; query the subgroups in the specified plan
(sd-inq-meas-plan-sequence plan :mode :annotations)
-> (subgroup1)
;; query the annotations in subgroup
(sd-inq-meas-plan-sequence subgroup1 :mode :annotations)
-> (anno3)
;; Query all annotations in plan and all subgroups
(sd-inq-meas-plan-sequence plan :mode :recursive)
-> (anno1 anno2 anno3)
See Also:

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(sd-inq-meas-plan-member-p plan item :recursive mode)
Predicate used to determine if item is a member of the specified plan. This function will determine if the specified item is a direct child of the plan. In addition, this function checks that the selected item is a valid member of the plan. In other words, only those items that will be exported to the csv file are considered to be members of the plan. All other items (objects that are skipped, objects which don´t pass the required ownership tests, objects of the wrong type) are not considered to be members of the specified plan
plan {SEL_ITEM} - measurement plan to query
item {SEL_ITEM} - any type of object which may be a member of a plan (3d-annotation, GDT, 3D note, subgroup,..)
:resursive{BOOLEAN [nil] }
  • t - all subgroups are additionally scanned to determine membership.
  • nil - only first level children of the specified plan are matched.
Return Value:
t {Boolean} - item is a measurement plan
nil (Boolean) - item is not a direct child of the specified plan.
(sd-inq-meas-plan-member-p plan item)
See Also:

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(sd-inq-meas-plan-member-pos plan item)
Returns the sequence number of the item within the specified plan. This function considers only items that are direct children of the plan. In other words, this function will not recursively scan any subgroups of the specified plan to determine sequence position.
plan {SEL_ITEM} - measurement plan to query
item {SEL_ITEM} - any type of object which may be a member of a plan (3d-annotation, GDT, 3D note, subgroup,..)
Return Value:
position {INTEGER} - value of position within the plan. Counting starts at 1. If 0 is returned, specified item was not found in the plan
nil - Specified plan was not a valid plan
(sd-inq-meas-plan-member-pos plan item)
-> 11
See Also:

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Inspection Annotation Queries

Inspection queries provide the means to query the system for the basic data that are used to build the exported csv file. These utilities are normally only useful to use after a group has been processed using the command NAVIGATE_MEASUREMENT_PLAN. The queries are useful in determining information specific to the annotations which are members of a measurement plan. If the queried annotation is not a member of a measurement plan, the below queries will always return a nil value.

SD-INQ-MEAS-ANNO-P  [function]

(sd-inq-meas-anno-p item)
Predicate to determine if specified object is an item of an acceptable annotation type for inclusion within a measurement plan. Use this predicate to determine if item is one of the allowed annotation types for a measurement plan. This function only determines that the specified item is a possible candidate for use in a measurement plan. It does not verify that the specified item would be a valid annotation within a given measurement plan.

An item is only a valid item if it has an index number associated with it. Also, for 3D_NOTES, an additional check is made to verify that the specified 3D_NOTE is in a proper category. (See also sd-set-supported-3dnote-categories)
item {SEL_ITEM} - sel_item of the object to query
Return Value:
t - item is a supported annotation type for inclusion within a measurement plan.
nil - item is not a supported annotation type for use within a measurement plan.
(sd-inq-meas-anno-p sel-item)

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((sd-inq-meas-anno-ref-item anno :ref reference)
Function to return the specified reference for a given annotation. Depending on the annotation type, the specified annotation may have either one or two references. Measurement annotations references may either be features, faces, edges or vertices. For all annotations types, the :primary reference will always return a value. However, the :secondary reference will only have a value for those types of dimensions which refer between two different faces, edges or vertices. Note all GDT annotations types regardless of type only have a :primary reference.
anno {SEL_ITEM} - sel-item of annotation to query.
:ref {KEYWORD} - reference to query. Can be either :primary or :secondary.
Return Value:
sel_item {SEL_ITEM} - sel_item of specified reference item of queried annotation.
nil - specified annotation was not a recognized annotation type, or in the case of :secondary reference, annotation has none.
if no named ...
Distance dimension between two faces
   (sd-inq-meas-anno-ref-item dim :ref :primary)
       => sel_item to first face
   (sd-inq-meas-anno-ref-item dim :ref :secondary)
       => sel_item to second face
GDT tolerance
   (sd-inq-meas-anno-ref-item gdt :ref :primary)
       => sel_item to feature controlled by GDT tolerance
   (sd-inq-meas-anno-ref-item gdt :ref :secondary)
       => nil (gdt never has a second reference)

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(sd-inq-meas-anno-related-faces  :ref reference)
Function to return the faces associated with the specified reference of the queried annotation. This function is particularly useful for dealing with GDT type of annotations. GDT references are always features, therefore, this function will then return the faces associated with the feature which the GDT control. This function can be used on all measurement annotation types if desired.
anno {SEL_ITEM} - sel-item of annotation to query.
:ref {KEYWORD [:both]} - reference to query. May be either :primary, :secondary or :both.
Return Value:
sel_item {LIST OF SEL_ITEMs} - list
nil - Specified annotation is not a recognized annotation type, or annotation does not refer to faces or features.
Distance dimension between two faces
   (sd-inq-meas-anno-related-faces dim :ref :both)
       => list of sel_items to both primary and secondary face
Distance dimension between two edges
   (sd-inq-meas-anno-related-faces dim :ref :both)
       =>  nil, no faces are referenced by given annotation
GDT tolerance
   (sd-inq-meas-anno-related-faces gdt :ref :primary)
       => list of sel_items to faces of the feature controlled by GDT tolerance
   (sd-inq-meas-anno-related-faces gdt :ref :secondary)
       => nil, (gdt never has a second reference)

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SD-INQ-ANNO-HAS-MEAS-P  [function]

(sd-inq-anno-has-meas-p anno)
Predicate to determine if the specified annotation has a measurement feature associated with it. An annotation will have a measurement feature associated with only when it has been prepared using the measurement preparation command. An annotation may have a measurement feature even if there are no measurement points associated with it. On the other hand, an annotation can only have measurement points if it has a measurement feature.
anno {SEL_ITEM} - sel-item of annotation to query.
Return Value:
t - Queried annotation has a measurement feature
nil - Queried annotation has no measurement feature or specified annotation is not a valid object
(sd-inq-anno-has-meas-p anno)
See Also:

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(sd-inq_meas-skipped-p anno)
Function to determine if the specified annotation is skipped in the measurement plan. A skipped annotation will never be written out to a csv file. Note, that this query is not group specific. An annotation marked as skipped are skipped in all groups.
anno {SEL_ITEM} - sel-item of annotation to query.
Return Value:
t - queried annotation is marked as skipped.
nil - queried annotation is not skipped.
(sd-inq-meas-skipped-p anno)
See Also:

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(sd-inq-meas-comment anno)
Queries the comment associated with a measurement annotation for use in a measurement plan. Measurement annotations are not required to have comments associated with them. Note, this query is not group specific
anno {SEL_ITEM} - sel-item of annotation to query.
Return Value:
comment {STRING} - value of the comment. If no comment has been specified and empty string is returned.
nil - specified annotation is not valid.
(sd-inq-meas-comment anno1)
    => "a comment"
(sd-inq-meas-comment anno2)
    => "" ; annotation has no comment associated with it
See Also:

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(sd-inq-uses-shared-meas-points-p anno :ref reference)
Queries the specified annotation to determine if the specified reference has been defined to share measurement points. Annotations which use shared measurement points will have the same number of measurement points and measurement point coordinates.
anno {SEL_ITEM} - sel-item of annotation to query.
:ref {KEYWORD} - Reference to query. May be either :primary or :secondary.
Return Value:
t {STRING} - Specified reference has been defined to share measurement points
nil - specified reference can not share measurement points or specified annotation does not have a measurement feature.
See Also:

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(sd-inq-shares-meas-points-p anno :ref reference)
Queries the specified annotation to determine if the measurement points associated with a given reference share their points with other annotations using the same reference. Annotations which use shared measurement points will have the same number of measurement points and measurement point coordinates. The difference to this function and sd-inq-uses-shared-meas-points-p is that sd-inq-uses-shared-meas-points-p only determines if sharing is possible. This function determines both that sharing is possible and that there are points that are currently being shared.
anno {SEL_ITEM} - sel-item of annotation to query.
:ref {KEYWORD} - Reference to query. May be either :primary or :secondary.
Return Value:
t {STRING} - Specified reference shares measurement points.
nil - Specified reference does not share measurement points or specified annotation does not have a measurement feature.
See Also:

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(sd-inq-meas-point-exists-p anno
                            :ref reference
                            :point location
                            :source-space source-space)
Determines if a measurement point exists at the specified location on the specified reference. The location can be specified in any space using the :source-space option (See also sd-vec-xform).
anno {SEL_ITEM} - sel-item of annotation to query.
:ref {KEYWORD} - Reference to query. May be either :primary or :secondary.
:point {GPNT3D} - location to check
:source-space {KEYWORD [:local] or SEL_ITEM} - the source coordinate system
  • :global - the location is defined in the global coordinate system
  • SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. The location is defined in the coordinate system of the object or part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
t {STRING} - Measurement point exists at the specified location.
nil - no measurement point exists at the queried location or the specified annotation does not have a measurement feature.
(sd-inq-meas-point-exists-p anno :ref :both :point 5,5,5 :source-space :global)
See Also:

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(sd-inq-number-of-meas-points anno :ref reference)
Returns the number of measurement points found for the given annotation on the specified reference.
anno {SEL_ITEM} - sel-item of annotation to query.
:ref {KEYWORD [:both]} - Reference to query. May be either :primary :secondary or :both.
Return Value:
value {INTEGER} - number of points found, 0 is returned if none are found.
nil - specified annotation does not have a measurement feature.
if no named ...
(sd-inq-number-of-meas-points anno :ref :primary)
  => 3
See Also:

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SD-INQ-MEAS-POINTS  [function]

(sd-inq-meas-points anno :ref reference :dest-space dest-space)
Queries the measurement points associated with the given annotation on the specified reference. This function will return both the index number and the location of the found measurement points. The location is returned in the specified dest-space.
anno {SEL_ITEM} - sel-item of annotation to query.
:ref {KEYWORD} - Reference to query. May be either :primary or :secondary.
:dest-space {KEYWORD [:local] or SEL_ITEM} - the source coordinate system
  • :global - the results are defined in the global coordinate system
  • :local - the results are returned in the coordinate system of the owner of the annotation
  • SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. The results are defined in the coordinate system of the object or part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
result {LIST of index-location pairs} - list of measurement points in sequence order consisting of and index number and coordinate.
nil - specified reference does not have measurement points or specified annotation does not have a measurement feature.
(sd-inq-meas-points anno :ref :primary :dest-space :global)
  => ((1 10,10,0) (4 5,5,0) (3 0,0,0))
See Also:

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(sd-inq-meas-point-taught-p anno :ref reference :index index)
Query if the measurement point on the given reference for the specified annotation has been taught. A measurement point is defined as taught when the command TEACH_MEASURMENT_POINT has been used to update the location of a measurement point via a csv file. This flag is intended to communicate that the specified measurement point has been already programmed for use in a CMM machine.
anno {SEL_ITEM} - sel-item of annotation to query.
:ref {KEYWORD} - Reference to query. May be either :primary or :secondary.
:index {INTEGER} - Valid index number of the measurement point to query.
Return Value:
t - Specified measurement point has been taught
nil - specified measurement point has not been taught, or does not exist.
(sd-inq-meas-point-taught-p anno :ref :primary :index 3) => t
See Also:

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(sd-inq-meas-point-with-index anno 
                              :ref reference    
                              :index index 
                              :dest-space dest-space)
Queries the location of a measurement point using the given index on the specified reference for the annotation. The coordinate will be returned in the specified destination space. This function is similar to sd-inq-meas-points, but only returns the location associated with the specified index.
anno {SEL_ITEM} - sel-item of annotation to query.
ref {KEYWORD} - Reference to query. May be either :primary or :secondary.
index {INTEGER} - sValid index number of the measurement point to query.
Return Value:
value{GPNT3D} - Specified measurement point has been taught
nil - specified measurement point does not exist
(sd-inq-meas-point-with-index anno :ref :primary :index 3)
   => 5,5,0
See Also:

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Evaluation Queries

Evaluation queries can be used to determine evaluation results which have been produced by executing the command EVALUATE_MEASUREMENTS. As a result, these queries will only return useful data after the above command has been executed. Once evaluation has occurred, results are only valid until the next modeling operation occurs. After modeling changes are made, the data can no longer be guaranteed to be accurate. To ensure validity of the data, use the above command before performing the below queries.


Utility which queries the precision level defined for all datums. This value is used to calculate the percentage deviation of inspection data from the theoretical position of the datum.
Return Value:
value {FLOAT} - Maximum allowed deviation to be considered within specification.
See Also:

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(sd-inq-inspected-fractional-error anno
                                   :ref reference
                                   :index index)
Queries the percentage error calculated during evaluation for the specified annotation or the specified measurement point on the given annotation. Percentage error is returned either as a single value (1.0 = 100% error) or as a list consisting of two values (lower percentage error, upper percentage error). Normally, all non-dimension style annotations will return a single value (like perpendicularity, parrallesim,...), while dimension style annotations will return a list. If an annotation is queried, then the results represent the maximum calculated value(s). If a measurement point is queried, the calculated error at that point is returned. If multiple samples are included within the evaluated csv file, then returned values for the specified measurement point represents the worst case values encountered for that point.
anno {SEL_ITEM} - sel-item of annotation to query.
:ref {KEYWORD} - Reference to query. May be either :primary or :secondary.
:index {INTEGER} - Valid index number of the measurement point to query.
Return Value:
values {FLOAT or list of FLOATS} - evaluation results
nil - no evaluation data exists for the specified annotation or measurement point
Query error for GDT perpendicular tolerance
(sd-inq-inspected-fractional-error gdt_perp)
   => .5  ;;50% error
Query error for GDT Plus/Minus Tolerance
(sd-inq-inspected-fractional-error gdt_pm)
   => (1.5 .8)  ;;maximum calculated error = 150% consumption of lower 
       tolerance, 80% use of upper tolerance specification
Query error for GDT Plus/Minus at a specific measurement point (one sample)
(sd-inq-inspected-fractional-error gdt_pm :ref :primary :index 2)
   => (0 .4)  ;;with a single sample, a single measurement point will
       only exist either in the upper or lower tolerance zone, but not both 
       at the same time.
Query error for GDT Plus/Minus at a specific measurement point (multiple samples)
(sd-inq-inspected-fractional-error gdt_pm :ref :primary :index 2)
   => (.4 1.5)  ;;with multiple samples, maximum encountered evaluation 
       results for the given measurement point range are returned. (40% lower
       zone consumed, 150% upper tolerance zone consumed).
See Also:

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(sd-inq-inspected-points anno
                         :ref reference
                         :index index
                         :dest-space dest-space)
Returns a list of all inspected points associated with the specified annotation on the given reference for the specified measurement point. If multiple points are returned, each value represents a different sample found within the evaluated csv file. The found inspected points are returned in the specified dest-space.
anno {SEL_ITEM} - sel-item of annotation to query.
ref {KEYWORD} - Reference to query. May be either :primary or :secondary. Must be specified.
:index {INTEGER} - index number of measurement point to search by. Must be specified.
:dest-space {KEYWORD [:local] or SEL_ITEM} - the source coordinate system
  • :global - the results are defined in the global coordinate system
  • :local - the results are returned in the coordinate system of the owner of the annotation
  • SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. The results are defined in the coordinate system of the object or part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
result {LIST of GPNT3D} - list of inspected points found for the given measurement point
nil - no inspected points exist for specified measurement point
(sd-inq-inspected-points anno :ref :primary :index 2 :dest-space :global)
  => (5,0,0 5.5,0.5,0 4.5,0,0)  ;;multiple inspected points - one for each
      sample contained in the evaluated csv file
See Also:

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(sd-inq-inspected-results anno
                          :ref reference
                          :index index)
Returns a list of the .....
anno {SEL_ITEM} - sel-item of annotation to query.
ref {KEYWORD} - Reference to query. May be either :primary or :secondary.
index {INTEGER} - index number of measurement point to search by. If index is not specified, inspected results for the annotation are returned.
Return Value:
result {LIST of FLOATs} - list of inspected result found for the given measurement point
nil - no inspected points exist for specified measurement point
(sd-inq-inspected-results anno :ref :primary :index 3)
   => (5.0 4.4 5.2)  ;;multiple inspected results - one for
       each sample contained in the evaluated csv file
(sd-inq-inspected-results anno)
   => (5.1)  ;;inspected result specified at the annotation
       level is returned.  If multiple samples exist, multiple 
       values will be returned.
See Also:

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(sd-inq-worst-inspected anno
                        :ref reference
                        :index index
                        :dest-space dest-space)
Returns a list of the .....
anno {SEL_ITEM} - sel-item of annotation to query.
ref {KEYWORD} - Reference to query. May be either :primary or :secondary. Must be specified if index is specified.
:index {INTEGER} - index number of measurement point to search by. If index is not specified, worst-case results for the annotation are returned.
:dest-space {KEYWORD [:local] or SEL_ITEM} - the source coordinate system
  • :global - the worst-case points are defined in the global coordinate system
  • :local - the worst-case points are returned in the coordinate system of the owner of the annotation
  • SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. The worst-case points are defined in the coordinate system of the object or part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
result {PROPERTY LIST} - Property list formatted as (:lower-result FLOAT :lower-point GPNT3D :upper-result FLOAT :upper-point GPNT3D)
nil - no inspected points or result exists for the specified condition.
(sd-inq-worst-inspected anno :ref :primary :index 3)
  => (:lower-result 4.9 :lower-point 5.5,0,0 :upper-result 5.1 :upper-point 5.7,0,0)
      ;;worst case results for a specified measurement point are returned
(sd-inq-worst-inspected anno)
(sd-inq-inspected-results anno)
  => (:lower-result nil :lower-point nil :upper-result 5.1 :upper-point 5.1,0,0)
      ;;worst case results for the annotation are returned. In this case, all data 
      ;;existed in the upper bounds of the tolerance zone only.
See Also:

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(sd-show-meas-point-feedback anno
                             :ref reference
                             :index index)
Display feedback points for the specified measurement points within all displayed viewports. Measurement points feedback consists of a feedback point along the index and sequence number of the measurement points. If no index is specified, then all measurement points on the specified annotation will be shown. It is necessary to use the function sd-hide-meas-point-feedback to turn off the display of measurement points.
anno {SEL_ITEM} - sel-item of annotation to query.
ref {KEYWORD} - Reference to query. May be either :primary, :secondary, or :both.
index {INTEGER} - Valid index number of the measurement point to display or nil to display all measurement points on the annotation.
Return Value:
t {LIST of values} - List of points displayed shown by (index coord sequence)
nil - specified measurement point(s) not found
(sd-show-meas-point-feeback anno)
  => ((1 5,5,0 1) (4 10,10,0 2))
      ;;show all measurement points on the annotation. For each point found, a list
      ;;consisting of the index number, coordinate, sequence is returned.
(sd-show-meas-point-feedback anno :ref :primary)
  => ((1 5,5,0 1))
      ;;show all measurement points on the primary reference
(sd-show-meas-point-feedback anno :ref :secondary :index 6)
  => ((6 6,6,0 3))
      ;;show measurement point 1.
See Also:

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Hide all measurement point feedback that has been previously displayed.
Return Value:
See Also:

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Miscellaneous Queries

Other inspection module related functions


(sd-set-supported-3dnote-categories key-list)
Function to specify which categories of 3D notes should be processed by the Inspection Module. Any registered 3D note category can be specified. By default, if no categories are specified, then only 3D notes within the :inspection category will be processed by the inspection module. This utility allows the system to be configured so that only selected categories of 3D notes will be considered. If a 3D note is not contained within a specified category, they will be automatically marked as skipped within the inspection module.
key-list {LIST of KEYWORDS} - list of 3D note categories
Return Value:
t - specified 3D note categories will be processed by the inspection module
nil - specified categories are not valid
if no named ...
(sd-set-supported-3dnote-categories `(:inspection :generic))
  => t ;;3D notes not in the registered categories will be automatically
             skipped by the inspection module
See Also:
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