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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

SHA_MODIFY_BEND terminate action

SHA_MODIFY_BEND changes the bend process and/or bend radius of a bend, or converts a sharp bend (edge) to a round bend.


                      |                                       |
                      |                                       |
                      |                                       |
                      +--(:BEND_PROCESS)--|process name|------+
                      |                                       |
                      +--(:RADIUS)--------|confirmed radius|--+
                      |                                       |
                      |                                       |
                      |                                       |
                                          |          |


The following options are available to modify bends on sheet metal part:

When to use

Use this action when you design a sheet metal part with PE/Sheet Metal.


See also

SHA_ATTACH_MATERIAL terminate action SHA_ATTACH_BENDS terminate action SHA_INQUIRE_MATERIAL interrupt action SHA_INQUIRE_BEND interrupt action SHA_MODIFY_MATERIAL terminate action
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