TAPER tapers faces, bosses, or pockets relative to a draft plane.
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The following options are available to taper an object:
- :FACES - specifies the faces you want to taper.
- :BOSS_POCKET - specifies the bosses or pockets you want
to taper.
- :DRAFT_PLANE - specifies the draft plane via the
MEASURE_AXIS_3D subaction.
- :DRAFT_ANGLE - specifies the draft angle.
- :BLEND_AUTO - finds all neighbour blends/chamfers automatically. These blends/chamfers
will be suppressed before the taper, and resumed after the taper operations is
performed. This switches off :keep_blend.
- :KEEP_BLEND - the user selects the blends/chamfers to be recreated.
This switches off :blend_auto.
- :KEEP_TANGENT - enables/disables the automatic recognition of tangent neighbour
faces. With :keep_tangent :yes the system tries to keep the tangential transition
to the neighbour faces in the taper operation.
- :FIX_EDGES - holds the selected edges on tangential neighbour faces fix in space.
This option can only be used when :keep_tangent is on.
- :UNFIX_EDGES - releases formerly fixed edges.
This option can only be used when :keep_tangent is on.
- :UNFIX_FACES - converts a secondary tangent face (which is kept fixed in space)
to a primary tangent face (which is transformable).
This option can only be used when :keep_tangent is on.
- :CHECK - activates the automatic body checking operation.
- :NOCHECK - disables the automatic body checking operation.
- :PREVIEW - does a preview of the operation and colors all changed
- :DO_IT - accepts the elements defined and the taper angle,
and performs the operation.
Use this action to taper (or draft) faces, bosses, or pockets
relative to the
draft plane.
Angle labels can be used to define the draft angle.
- The following parameter sequence tapers a specified face of an
existing part.
TAPER :FACES [specify face(s) to taper] :DRAFT_PLANE [use the
MEASURE_AXIS_3D subaction to define the draft plane] :DRAFT_ANGLE 15
- The following parameter sequence tapers a specified face using a
label to specify the draft angle.
TAPER :FACES [specify faces to taper] [select label] 20 :DO_IT
MEASURE_AXIS_3D_SA subaction
CHANGE_HOLE terminate action
CHANGE_HOLE terminate action
BODY_CHECK terminate action
MODIFY_BLENDS terminate action
DELETE_BLEND terminate action
MODIFY_3D_DEFAULT interrupt action