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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

SCALE_3D terminate action

SCALE_3D changes the size of a specified part or assembly. The size can be changed isotropically (scaled equally in all directions) or anisotropically (scaled differently in X,Y, and Z directions).


              |                                                                    |
->-(SCALE_3D)-+-(:PARTS)-----------------|select parts/assemblies|-----------------+->-
              |                                                                    |
              +-(:FACES)-----------------|select faces|----------------------------+
              |                                                                    |
              +-(:KEEP_BLEND)------------|select blend/chamfer faces|--------------+
              |                                                                    |
              +-(:EXCLUDE_FACES)---------|select cylindrical/conical faces|--------+
              |                                                                    |
              |                                                                    |
              |                    |                                  |            |
              |                    +-------------<--------------------+            |
              |                                                                    |
              |                    |                                  |            |
              |                    +-(:Y_SCALE)---|number|------------+            |
              |                    |                                  |            |
              |                    +-(:Z_SCALE)---|number|------------+            |
              |                    |                                  |            |
              |                    +-(:Z_AXIS)----|MEASURE_DIR_3D_SA|-+            |
              |                    |                                  |            |
              |                    +-(:X_AXIS)----|MEASURE_DIR_3D_SA|-+            |
              |                    |                                  |            |
              |                    +-------------<--------------------+            |
              |                                                                    |
              |                                                                    |
                                  |         |


The following options are available:

When to use

Use this action to scale any existing part or assembly. The anisotropic option is useful when working with materials (such as plastics) showing different XYZ shrink-characteristics when cooled.

Entering a positive number will make the items larger, and entering a negative number, or a fraction will make the items smaller.


The following parameter sequence scales the specified 3D parts.

SCALE_3D [specify parts and assemblies] [enter scale factor]

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