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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

DA_PP_RESULTS terminate action

DA_PP_RESULTS selects display methods and results components for displaying results.


+---+--+--(:DA_RESULT)-------------|SELECT S_FERRUM_RESULT|-------+-->
    |  |                                                          |
    |  |--(:DA_CONTOUR_DISPLAY)----+--(:STRESS)----------------+--+
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:STRAIN-----------------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:DISPLACEMENT-----------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:APPLIED-LOADS----------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:REACTION-FORCE---------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:ELEMENT_FORCE----------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:STRAIN-ENERGY----------+  |
    ^  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:STRAIN-ENERGY-DENSITY--+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:PX_ORDER---------------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:PY_ORDER---------------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:PZ_ORDER---------------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:P_ERROR----------------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:TEMPERATURES-----------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:THERMAL_FLUX-----------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:THERMAL_GRADIENT-------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:ROTATION---------------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:APPLIED_FLOW-----------+  |
    ^  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:TOTAL_FLOW-------------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:CONVECTION-------------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:FREE_CONVECTION--------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:FORCED_CONVECTION------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:BC_REACTION------------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:RADIATION--------------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:UNDEFINED--------------+  |
    |  |                                                          |
    |  +--(:DA_CONTOUR_COMPONENT)--+--(:VON_MISES--------------+--+
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:VON_MISES)-------------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:MAX_SHEAR)-------------+  |
    ^  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:MAX_PRINCIPAL)---------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:MID_PRINCIPAL)---------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:MIN_PRINCIPAL)---------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:X_COMPONENT)-----------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:Y_COMPONENT)-----------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:Z_COMPONENT)-----------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:MAGNITUDE)-------------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:ZX_COMPONENT)----------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:YZ_COMPONENT)----------+  |
    |  |                                                          |
    |  +--(:DA_DEFORMED_DISPLAY)---+--(:DISPLACEMENT)----------+--+
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    ^  |                           +--(:UNDEFINED)-------------+  |
    |  |                                                          |
    |  +--(:DA_DEFORMED_COMPONENT)-+--(:MAGNITUDE)-------------+--+
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:X_COMPONENT)-----------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:Y_COMPONENT)-----------+  |
    |  |                           |                           |  |
    |  |                           +--(:Z_COMPONENT)-----------+  |
    |  |                                                          |
    |  +--(:DA_UPDATE_DISPLAY)------------------------------------+
    |                                                             |


The options specify the results components to display; enter the options as listed above.

The options specify the contents of the deck; enter the options as listed above.

When to use

Use this action when selecting results and results components for display in Design Integrity.

See also

DA_ANALYSE terminate action, DA_PP_ANIMATE terminate action, DA_PP_DISPLAY terminate action
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