DA_BASIC_UNITS enables modification of the basic time and temperature units setting for the session environment.
-->(DA_BASIC_UNITS)---------------+ | +---------------------------------+ | +--------+-----(:DA_TEMPERATURE)----+--(:KELVIN)---------+----+--> | | | | | +--(:CELSIUS)--------+ | | | | | | +--(:FAHRENHEIT)-----+ | | | +-----(:DA_TEMP_FACTOR)----|number|------------------+ | | +-----(:DA_TIME)-----------+--(:MILLISECONDS)---+----+ | | | | | +--(:SECONDS)--------+ | | | | | | +--(:MINUTES)--------+ | | | | | | +--(:HOURS)----------+ | | | +-----(:DA_TIME_FACTOR)----|number|------------------+ | | +-----------<---------<----------<-----------<-------+
- enables selection of the temperature scale for the session.
- selects the Kelvin scale for session temperature information.
- selects the Celsius scale for session temperature information.
- selects the Fahrenheit scale for session temperature information.
- enables declaration of a multiplier for session temperature units.
- enables selection of the basic unit of time for the session.
- selects milliseconds as the basic unit of time for the session.
- selects seconds as the basic unit of time for the session.
- selects minutes as the basic unit of time for the session.
- selects hours as the basic unit of time for the session.
- enables declaration of a multiplier for session time units.