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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

DA_WRITE_DECK terminate action

DA_WRITE_DECK exports finite element mesh information for a part to an external file.

For certain values of :DA_MODEL different variables can be accessed. The values of :DA_MODEL are given numbers. The variables contain the numbers if they are active for the value of :DA_MODEL. The ones with no numbers always accessible.


+---+--+--(:STUDY)---------------|SELECT S_FERRUM_STUDY|------------+-->
    |  |                                                            |
    |  +--(:DA_FORMAT)-----------+--(:NASTRAN)------+---------------+
    |  |                         |                  |               |
    |  |                         +--(:PATRAN)-------+               |
    |  |                         |                  |               |
    |  |                         +--(:ANSYS_53)-----+               |
    |  |                                                            |
    |  +--(:DA_FILE)-------------|filename|-------------------------+
    |  |                                                            |
    |  +--(:DA_MODEL)------------+--(:LINEAR_STATIC)---(1)-+--------+
    |  |                         |                         |        |
    ^  |                         +--(:MODAL)-----------(3)-+        |
    |  |                         |                         |        |
    |  |                         +--(:LINEAR_BUCKLING)-(5)-+        |
    |  |                         |                         |        |
    |  |                         +--(:HEAT_TRANSFER)---(6)-+        |
    |  |                                                            |
    |  +--(:DA_MODE_CONTROL)-----+--(:LOWEST)-----------+--(3)-(5)--+
    |  |                         |                      |           |
    |  |                         +--(:LOWEST-IN-RANGE)--+           |
    |  |                         |                      |           |
    |  |                         +--(:ALL-IN-RANGE)-----+           |
    |  |                         |                      |           |
    |  |                         +--(:LOWEST-ABOVE)-----+           |
    |  |                                                            |
    |  +--(:DA_NUM_MODES)----------------|number|----------(3)-(5)--+
    |  |                                                            |
    |  +--(:DA_LOWER_CUTOFF_FREQ)--------|frequency|-------(3)------+
    |  |                                                            |
    |  +--(:DA_UPPER_CUTOFF_FREQ)--------|frequency|-------(3)------+
    ^  |                                                            |
    |  +--(:DA_LOWER_CUTOFF_EIGENVALUE)--|number|----------(5)------+
    |  |                                                            |
    |  +--(:DA_UPPER_CUTOFF_EIGENVALUE)--|number|----------(5)------+
    |  |                                                            |
    |  +--(:DA_STRESS_TOGGLE)-----------+--(:ON)---+----------------+
    |  |                                |          |                |
    |  |                                +--(:OFF)--+                |
    |  |                                                            |
    |  +--(:DA_DISPLACEMENT_TOGGLE)-----+--(:ON)---+----------------+
    |  |                                |          |                |
    |  |                                +--(:OFF)--+                |
    |  |                                                            |
    |  +--(:DA_STRAIN_TOGGLE)-----------+--(:ON)---+----------------+
    |  |                                |          |                |
    |  |                                +--(:OFF)--+                |
    |  |                                                            |
    ^  +--(:DA_REACTION_FORCE_TOGGLE)---+--(:ON)---+----------------+
    |  |                                |          |                |
    |  |                                +--(:OFF)--+                |
    |  |                                                            |
    |  +--(:DA_APPLIED_LOADS_TOGGLE)----+--(:ON)---+----------------+
    |  |                                |          |                |
    |  |                                +--(:OFF)--+                |
    |  |                                                            |
    |  +--(:DA_ELEMENT_FORCE_TOGGLE)----+--(:ON)---+----------------+
    |  |                                |          |                |
    |  |                                +--(:OFF)--+                |
    |  |                                                            |
    |  +--(:DA_STRAIN_ENERGY_TOGGLE)----+--(:ON)---+----------------+
    |  |                                |          |                |
    |  |                                +--(:OFF)--+                |
    ^  |                                                            |
    |  +--(:DA_TEMPERATURE)-------------+--(:ON)---+----------------+
    |  |                                |          |                |
    |  |                                +--(:OFF)--+                |
    |  |                                                            |
    |  +--(:DA_FLUX)--------------------+--(:ON)---+----------------+
    |                                   |          |                |
    |                                   +--(:OFF)--+                |
    |                                                               |


The options specify the contents of the deck; enter the options as listed above.

When to use

Use this action when you want to export mesh information created with Design Integrity to an external file.
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