AM_TEXT_MODIFY modifies the parameters governing the appearance
of existing text.
| |
| |
| |
| | | |
| +--(:ON)----+ |
| | | |
| +--(:OFF)---+ |
| |
| |
| |
+---(:SIZE)--+--|positive height|--+---+
| | | |
| +--------(:ON)--------+ |
| | | |
| +--------(:OFF)-------+ |
| |
| |
| | | |
| +------(:ON)------+ |
| | | |
| +------(:OFF)-----+ |
| |
| |
| | | |
| +---("BALLOON")----+ |
| | | |
| +---("FLAG")-------+ |
| | | |
| +---("OFF")--------+ |
| | | |
| +------(:ON)-------+ |
| | | |
| +------(:OFF)------+ |
| |
| |
| | | |
| +----(:OFF)---+ |
| |
| |
+---(:RATIO)--+--|positive number|--+--+
| | | |
| +-----(:ON)-----------+ |
| | | |
| +-----(:OFF)----------+ |
| |
| |
| | | |
| +----(:ON)-------+ |
| | | |
| +----(:OFF)------+ |
| |
| |
+---(:LINESP)---+--|number >= 0|--+----+
| | | |
| +------(:ON)------+ |
| | | |
| +------(:OFF)-----+ |
| |
| |
+---(:FONT1B)---+---|font name|---+----+
| | | |
| +----(:ON)--------+ |
| | | |
| +----(:OFF)-------+ |
| |
| |
+---(:FONT2B)---+---|font name|---+----+
| | | |
| +----(:ON)--------+ |
| | | |
| +----(:OFF)-------+ |
| |
| |
| |
| |
- :SEL_LIST specifies the text to modify. This can be used with the
Select tool for multiple selection of text.
- :ABS_ANGLE specifies the angle at which the text is to be drawn, measured from the
positive x-axis to the text baseline.
- :GET_ANGLE determines the new text angle by defining a line by two points.
The angle of the line above the positive x-axis is used as the text angle.
- :SIZE sets the new text size (height).
- :ADJUST sets the new cursor adjust point for text:
- 1 ... lower left
- 2 ... lower center
- 3 ... lower right
- 4 ... middle left
- 5 ... middle center
- 6 ... middle right
- 7 ... upper left
- 8 ... upper center
- 9 ... upper right
- :FRAME sets the new type of frame to be drawn around the text.
- :FILL sets filled (:ON) or unfilled (:OFF) text characters. This will only
affect text fonts that can be filled.
- :RATIO sets the new width-to-height ratio of the text characters. The text height
is determined by the :SIZE value.
- :SLANT sets the new slant angle of the text characters. A positive angle, measured
from the vertical, slants characters to the right.
- :LINESP sets the new line spacing in blocks of text. The distance between the lines
of text is determined by the :LINESP value multiplied by the :SIZE value.
- :FONT1B determines the new 1-Byte text font. Valid font names, entered
within double quotes (" "), are those for fonts already loaded
into Annotation.
- :FONT2B determines the new 2-Byte text font. Valid font names, entered
within double quotes (" "), are those for fonts already loaded
into Annotation.
- :COLOR sets the new text color. It automatically calls up the GET_RGB_COLOR_SA
subaction. Use this subaction to specify the new RGB or HSL color.
Use this action to change the settings of existing text.
GET_RGB_COLOR_SA subaction,
AM_LOAD_FONT terminate action,
AM_TEXT_SETTINGS terminate action