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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

AM_GEO_C_LINE_ANG_BISECT terminate action

AM_GEO_C_LINE_ANG_BISECT creates an infinite construction line through an apex point, bisecting two lines through the apex.


                                            |                                                         |
                                            |                                                         |
---->(AM_GEO_C_LINE_ANG_BISECT)--(:GO :OK)--+(*)---(:OWNER)---|AM_GEO_SET_DOMAIN|---(:GO :OK)---------+---->
                                            |                                                         |
                                            |                                                         |
                                            |            |            |            |   |              |
                                            +--|factor|--+            +--|pnt|-----+   +--|pnt|-------+

                                 (*) necessary when the default owner is not set


Specify the apex and the two lines through the apex to bisect. Angles are measured from the positive x-axis. A bisection factor between 0 and 1 offsets the semiangle proportionately. (The default bisection factor is 0.5.)

When to use

Use this action to draw an infinite construction line bisecting two lines passing through an apex.

See also

AM_GEO_SET_DOMAIN interrupt action, AM_GEO_C_LINE_BISECT terminate action
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