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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

AM_CREATE_BREAKOUT terminate action

AM_CREATE_BREAKOUT creates a cutaway on an existing view.


                           |                                                            |
                           |                                                            |
---->(AM_CREATE_BREAKOUT)--+---(:PARENT_VIEW)----|select view|--------------------------+----->
                           |                                                            |
                           |                                                            |
                           |                       +----------------<---------------+   |
                           |                       |                                |   |
                           |                       |                                |   |
                           |                       +--(:CIRCLE)--|pnt1|--|pnt2|-----+   |
                           |                       |                                |   |
                           |                       |               +----<----+      |   |
                           |                       |               |         |      |   |
                           |                       +--(:POLYGON)---+--|pnt|--+------+   |
                           |                       |                                |   |
                           |                       |              +----<----+       |   |
                           |                       |              |         |       |   |
                           |                       +--(:SPLINE)---+--|pnt|--+-------+   |
                           |                       |                                |   |
                           |                       +(*)-(:BACK)---------------------+   |
                           |                       |                                |   |
                           |                       +--(:ACCEPT)---------------------+   |
                           |                                                            |
                           |                                                            |
                           |                                                            |
                           +---(:BREAKOUT_DEPTH_POINT)----|select point|----------------+
                           |                                                            |
                           +---(:BREAKOUT_DEPTH_FACE)----|select face|------------------+
                           |                                                            |
                           +---(:BREAKOUT_DEPTH_WP)----|select workplane|---------------+

                                                  (*) only with :POLYGON and :SPLINE


When to use

Use this action to create a cutaway on an existing view. The view must be updated to see the cutaway.

See also

AM_DELETE_BREAKOUT terminate action, AM_VIEW_UPDATE terminate action
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