MACH_ADV_CHECK_FEATURE provides varoius checks for features
/-->--(:BY_OWNER)-->--|part or assembly|-->-----\ | | /-->----+-->--(:SELECT_FEATURE)-->--|feature(s)|-->-----+-->----\ | | | | | \-->--(:ALL_FEATURES)-->---->------->------->---/ | | | ->-(MACH_ADV_CHECK_FEATURE)-->--+-------<-------<-------<-------<-------<-------<-------<-------+-->-- | | | /-->--(:SELECT_CATEGORY)-->--|string|----->-----\ | | | | | +-->----+-->--(:REF_FEAT)-->---------|feature|---->-----+-->----+ | | | | | \-->--(:ANY_CATEGORY)-->---->------->------->---/ | | | +-->----------(:FILTER_FEATURES)---->------->------->------>----+ | | | :CHECK_AND_FIX | | :SHELL | +-->----(:OPERATION_TYPE)-->--[ :CORE ]--->------>----+ | :OFFSET | | :REPORT | | | \-->----(:OFFSET_VALUE)-->--|length|-------->------->-----------/
The following options are available to modify the checking for distances of features
Option | Description | ||||||||||||
:BY_OWNER | selects the features by their owning part or assembly This is the default |
:SELECT_FEATURE | explicitly selects the features | ||||||||||||
:ALL_FEATURES | selects all features within system | ||||||||||||
:FILTER_FEATURES | shows/hides the filter input | ||||||||||||
:SELECT_CATEGORY | filter features by category | ||||||||||||
:REF_FEAT | filter features by the category or categories of the selected feature | ||||||||||||
:ANY_CATEGORY | do not filter by category This is the default |
:OPERATION_TYPE | which method will be used to create the check geometry
:OFFSET_VALUE | the security zone width for methods :SHELL and :OFFSET |