
CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

MACH_ADV_DIST_CHECK terminate action

MACH_ADV_DIST_CHECK creates parts for further distance checks


                                        /-->--(:BY_OWNER)-->--|part or assembly|-->-----\ 
                                        |                                               |
                                |       |                                               |       |
                                |       \-->--(:ALL_FEATURES)-->---->------->------->---/       |
                                |                                                               |
                                |                                                               |
                                |       /-->--(:SELECT_CATEGORY)-->--|string|----->-----\       |
                                |       |                                               |       |
                                |       |                                               |       |
                                |       \-->--(:ANY_CATEGORY)-->---->------->------->---/       |
                                |                                                               |
                                |                                                               |
                                +-->----(:OFFSET_TYPE)-->--[ :SHELL | :CORE | :OFFSET ]------->-+
                                |                                                               |


The following options are available to modify the checking for distances of features

Option Description
:BY_OWNER selects the features by their owning part or assembly
This is the default
:SELECT_FEATURE explicitly selects the features
:ALL_FEATURES selects all features within system
:FILTER_FEATURES shows/hides the filter input
:SELECT_CATEGORY filter features by category
:REF_FEAT filter features by the category or categories of the selected feature
:ANY_CATEGORY do not filter by category
This is the default
:OFFSET_TYPE which method will be used to create the check geometry
ShellA shell of given thickness will be created around every feature
CoreA kind of core will be built for every feature
OffsetThe core will be enlarged by the given distance
:OFFSET_VALUE the security zone width for methods :SHELL and :OFFSET
