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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

CIRCLE terminate action

CIRCLE creates a circle defined by a center point, peripheral points, approximate tangent points, a diameter, or a radius.


                            |                                     |
-->(CIRCLE)--+--(:CEN_RAD)--+--|center posn|--+---|radius posn|---+---+--->
             |                                |                   |   |
             |                                +---|radius len|----+   |
             |                                                        |
             |                            +------<-----+              |
             |                            |            |              |
             |                                                        |
             |             +-|pos|-+----->------+                     |
             |             |       v            |                     |
             +--(:RADIUS)--+--->---+--|radius|--+--|center posn|--+---+
             |                     |                              |   |
             |                     +------------<-----------------+   |
             |                                                        |
             |                                  +---------<--------+  |
             |                                  |                  |  |
             +--(:CENTER)-----|center posn|-----+--|radius|--------+--+
             |                                  |                  |  |
             |                                  +--|pos|-----------+  |
             |                                                        |
             |             +-----------------<----------------------+ |
             |             |                                        | |
             +--(:TAN_CEN)-+-|element with position|-|center posn|--+-+
             |                                                        |
             |               +--------------------<-----------------+ |
             |               |                                      | |
             +--(:TAN_PT_PT)-+-|elements with pos|-|radius or posn|-+-+
             |                                                        |
             |                +-------------------<--------------+    |
             |                |                                  |    |
             |                                                        |
             |            +------------<-------------+                |
             |            |                          |                |
             +--(:TAN3)---+----|three elements|------+----------------+
             |                                                        |
             |                +----------<----------+                 |
             |                |                     |                 |
             +----(:3_POS)----+--|1st position|--+  |                 |
             |                                   v  |                 |
             |                +--|2nd position|--+  |                 |
             |                |                     |                 |
             |                +--|3rd position|-----+--------->-------+
             |                                                        |
             |                 +---------<-----------+                |
             |                 |                     |                |
             +----(:DIAMETER)--+--|1st position|--+  |                |
             |                                    |  |                |
             |                 +--|2nd position|--+  |                |
             |                 v                     |                |
             |                 +---------------------+-------->-------+
             |                                  +----------<----------+
             |                                  |                     |
             +----(:CEN_DIA)--|center position|-+--|peripheral posn|--+
             |                                  |                     |
             |                                  +--|diameter length|--+
             |                 +--------------------------------------+
             |                 |                                      |
             +----(:2_POS_RAD)-+--|1st position|--+                   |
                                                  |                   |
                               +-------<----------+                   |
                               |                                      ^
                               |  +-|2nd posn|----+                   |
                               |  |               |                   |
                               |  | +---<---------+                   |
                               |  | |                                 |
                               |  | +-|radius len|-->---+             ^
                               |  |                     |             |
                               +--+                     |             |
                                  |                     v             |
                                  +---|radius len|-+    |             |
                                                   |    |             |
                                    +-----<--------+    |             ^
                                    |                   |             |
                                    +-|2nd posn|--->----+             |
                                                        |             |
                                    +--------<----------+             |
                                    |                                 |
                                    +->-|side position|---------------+


The following options are available to create your circle.

When to use

Use this action to create circles anywhere on the active workplane.


Enter CIRCLE and specify the creation method, location of the center, and the size of the circle as follows:

CIRCLE :CEN_RAD 100,100 50

The circle is created.

See also

ARC terminate action MODIFY_RADIUS terminate action C_CIRCLE terminate action
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