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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

POLYGON terminate action

POLYGON creates a sequence of connected lines, the end point of one line being the start point of the next.


---->(POLYGON)----|start posn|----+
    |                      +-------<------+
    |                      |              |
    |                                                         |
    |                                                         |
    |                      |                                  |
    |                      +----|offset|------------>---------+
    |                                                         |
    |                      |                                  |
    |                      +----|offset|------------>---------+
    |                                                         |
    +---(:ANGLE)-----------+----|angle posn|--+-|end posn|-->-+
    |                      |                  |               |
    |                      v                  +-|length|--->--+
    |                      |                                  |
    |                      +----|angle|------------->---------+
    |                                                         |
    |                                                         +------<---------+
    |                                                                          |
    |                    +---------------------<-----------------------+       |
    |                    |                                             |       |
    +-(ANGLE_REFERENCE)--+--|offset angle|--+                          |       |
    |                    |                  |                          |       |
    |                    v  +-------<-------+                          |       |
    |                    |  |                                          ^       ^
    |                    +--+--|ref1 position|----|ref2 position|--+   |       |
    |                                                              v   |       |
    |                                        +--|end position|--+--+   |       |
    |                                        |                  v      |       |
    |                                        +--|length|----<---+      |       |
    |                                        v                         |       |
    |                                        +------------>------------+-------+
    |                                                                          |
    +---(:PARALLEL_TO)----|straight element|----|end posn|----------->---------+
    |                                                                          |
    |                  +------------------------<------------------+           ^
    |                  |                                           |           |
    +-(:PERPENDICULAR)-+--|element and posn|--+--|end position|----+----->-----+
    |                                         |                                ^
    |                                         +--|colinear posn|--|length|-----+
    |                                                                          |
    +---(:TANGENT)----->------|element and posn|------------->-----------------+
    |                                                                          |


The following options are available to create your polygon.

When to use

Use this action to quickly create a series of lines, where the end of one line is the start point of the following one.


Enter POLYGON and specify the points to create your lines as follows:

POLYGON 50,100 100,100 150,75 100,50 50,50 :CLOSE

The polygon is created in the active workplane.

See also

LINE terminate action RECTANGLE terminate action C_LINE_INF terminate action DELETE_2D terminate action
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