Configuring the Creo View Thumbnail Generator > Thumbnail Generator Server Controlled Publishing > Using pvsthumbworker
Using pvsthumbworker
Users are strongly advised to first test their pvsthumbbatch configuration before using the pvsthumbworker. Troubleshooting pvsthumbbatch is an easier way of identifying and resolving most issues that will also affect the worker.
The worker script is created in the <setup_directory>, and should be run by the Visualization server when starting the worker.
When configuring the Worker Agent to use this worker, use the following Execute Command:
For Windows:
In our example, this command is:
For UNIX, the .bat extension is not required, and the command format is:
Do not use spaces in the setup directory name. In addition, the .bat extension should be used when the worker is on a Windows machine.
To learn about configuring the Worker Agent to use this worker, refer to Visualization Server Definition.