To Save a View as a JT, STEP, or IGES File
1. Click > > . The Save View As 3D dialog box opens.
2. In the File name box, type a name or accept the default.
3. In the Type box, select a file format:
◦ JT
4. Click Save. The settings dialog box opens.
5. Under Save, select the parts to save:
◦ Visible
◦ Selected
◦ All
6. For JT files, to include the BREP geometry, select the Include BREP check box.
7. For IGES files, under Format, select Single File or Multiple Files.
8. To preserve the hierarchy of the product structure, select the Include structure to root check box.
9. Click Save. For large files, the Save View As 3D dialog box opens with a progress bar.