Viewing Data > Selecting Data > Selecting MCAD Data > To Set Selection Options
To Set Selection Options
1. Click File > Options.
The Creo Illustrate Options dialog box opens.
2. Next to Showing, select Global.
3. On the left, under General, select Navigation. The General-Navigation options open on the right.
4. In the Part highlighting mode box, select Wireframe or Filled.
5. To enable or disable highlighting options for selection, preselection and secondary selection, select or clear the check boxes below. To change the color for a highlighting option, click the color box next to the option and set a new color in the Choose Color dialog box.
Selection highlight color—Highlights selected parts, surfaces, edges, and points in the specified color.
Secondary highlight color—Highlights parts, geometry and markups associated with the selected items. For example, if you select a distance measurement, secondary highlighting illustrates the parts or geometry that the measurement refers to.
Enable preselection highlighting—Highlights preselected parts, surfaces, edges, and points in the specified color.
6. To highlight items associated with the current selection, select the Enable association highlighting check box.
7. To highlight the parts in an assembly, in the Secondary highlight color, select the Enable assembly highlighting check box. For example, if you select an assembly node in the tree, secondary highlighting illustrates the parts belonging to that assembly.
8. To highlight the part in which geometry is available for selection (the drill-down part) select the Enable drill down highlighting check box.
9. Select or clear the Use drill down in specific filters check box.
10. Select or clear the Keep selection when switching between figures check box.
11. Click Apply to apply the settings and continue setting options, or click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog box.