To Log Messages
You can use the shortcut menu or the Messages ribbon to configure message logging. Switch between these methods at any time. Instructions for both strategies follow.
• To sort messages in the Messages pane, click a column heading. • To limit the number of lines of a message, on the General-Main page of the Creo Illustrate Options dialog box, set a number in the Maximum log file size box. |
1. To display information:
a. Show Detail to display the Message Detail window, which shows the message type, thread, source, and text. In this window, you can choose to Copy All or Copy Only Message to paste into another application.
b. In the Messages context tab that appears in the ribbon area, you can select to Show Detail, Copy, specify visible columns, display message options, and clear messages. You can also select which types of messages to capture: Info, Debug, Warning, and Error.
To Log Messages Using the Shortcut Menu
1. Make sure that the
Messages pane of the lower data panel is open.
2. Right-click and choose Capturing Messages from the shortcut menu. Message logging is enabled.
3. To set the types of messages logged, right-click and choose Capture Types, and then select one or more types:
◦ Info
◦ Debug
◦ Warning
◦ Error
4. To show or hide information in the
Messages pane, right-click and choose
Show Columns, and then select one or more columns:
◦ Time
◦ Thread
◦ Source
◦ Message
To Log Messages Using the Ribbon
1. Click the
Messages pane of the lower data panel. The
Messages ribbon appears.
2. Click > . Message logging is enabled.
3. To set the types of messages logged, in the Capture group, select one or more types:
◦ Info
◦ Debug
◦ Warning
◦ Error
4. To show or hide information in the
Messages pane, click > , and then select one or more columns:
◦ Time
◦ Thread
◦ Source
◦ Message