Creo Simulate > References > Sketcher > Working with Sections > To Import Files Into Sketcher
To Import Files Into Sketcher
1. Click Sketch > File System. The Open dialog box opens.
2. Select the required file from the list of available files and click Open. The INFORMATION WINDOW displays information about the file processing.
3. Click Close. The INFORMATION WINDOW closes and the pointer includes a plus sign (+). You must select a location to place the imported drawing.
4. Click to place the imported entities. The entities are placed at the selected location and the dialog box opens.
5. Adjust the placement, orientation, and size of the set of imported entities in one of the following ways:
Click and drag the following handles as necessary:
—Moves the entities
—Rotates the entities
—Resizes the entities
Middle-click to accept the changes. The section is placed.
Define values and select references as necessary in the Move & Resize tab:
Select a rotation reference in the sketch window.
Type a value for the rotation in the box and press ENTER to see a preview.
Type a value for the scale in the box and press ENTER to see a preview.
Click .