Creo Simulate > References > Sketcher > Moving or Replacing Entities > About Rotating Sketch Geometry
About Rotating Sketch Geometry
You can rotate the sketch geometry within an active sketch. You can also rotate the sketch geometry when you paste a copied geometry or import existing geometry within an active sketch.
Consider the following points when you rotate sketch geometry:
You can use the translation handle as the center of rotation.
You can drag the translation handle independent of the geometry, and constrain it to:
The geometry itself
Other sketch geometry within the same sketch group
Geometry that belongs to the subgroups within the active sketch group
An external reference geometry, if the selected geometry is the top-level sketch
You can select a reference to define the rotation reference. This reference can be a Sketcher point, Sketcher coordinate system, endpoint of geometry, construction, or reference geometry.
If the translation handle is constrained to a Sketcher point, Sketcher coordinate system, or an endpoint of an entity, the constrained entity appears as a reference in the Rotate Resize tab.
A counterclock icon appears along the rotation handle that identifies the positive rotation direction and the angle of rotation with respect to the original rotation.
The rotation angle dimension is a temporary dimension. You can select this dimension and specify the required rotation angle or specify a value in the Rotate collector of the Rotate Resize tab.