Creo Simulate > References > Sketcher > Creating Sketcher Geometry > About Chamfers and Fillets
About Chamfers and Fillets
You can use the chamfer and fillet tools to connect non-parallel lines or a combination of lines, arcs, and splines. The chamfer or fillet is created between two points. The size and location of the chamfer or fillet depend on your selection of two points for its placement. You can also sketch a chamfer and a fillet using tools that extend construction lines to the intersection points.
After you create a chamfer or a fillet, you can select and drag either of the endpoints to a new location. The chamfer or fillet moves along the line or arc nearest to the end you are dragging. Make sure to select the chamfer or fillet near the endpoint you want to drag. The other endpoint of the chamfer or fillet, and the entity it intersects, remain fixed.
Keep in mind the following points when creating chamfers or fillets:
Any line segments outside the selection points are trimmed.
Construction lines that extend to the intersection point are straight, even if they connect one or more entities that are not straight.
Construction lines are not automatically removed when you delete a chamfer or fillet or either of the connected entities.
When you sketch fillets between arcs, splines, or a combination of lines, arcs, and splines, the entities are divided at the selection points, but not trimmed. If you delete these fillets, the entities remain divided.
When a fillet is inserted between two entities, the system automatically divides two entities at the fillet tangency points. If the fillet endpoints and the entity endpoints are not coincident, you must delete leftover segments manually.
Chamfer Tools
There are two chamfer tools:
Chamfer—Connects two entities with a chamfer. Construction lines extend to the intersection point.
Chamfer Trim—Connects two entities with a chamfer.
Fillet Tools
There are four fillet tools:
Circular—Connects two entities with an arc. Construction lines extend to the intersection point.
Circular Trim—Connects two entities with an arc.
Elliptical—Connects two entities with an ellipse. Construction lines extend to the intersection point.
Elliptical Trim—Connects two entities with an ellipse.