Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Running Solvers > Native Mode Solvers > Start > Error Detection
Error Detection
If you do not request error detection, Creo Simulate goes to the next step. If you skip error detection, and your model contains errors, the run could terminate later with a fatal engine error.
If you request error detection, Creo Simulate checks the model for errors.
Creo Simulate carries out the same checks as it does when you click Info > Check Model on the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box, with these additions:
If you select a design study that contains analyses from both Structure and Thermal, Creo Simulate checks for both Structure-specific and Thermal-specific errors, and displays entities specific to both products during error detection.
Creo Simulate checks for some additional errors that Check Model does not detect.
Once a run has started, Creo Simulate checks for errors in the following areas:
matching parameters
convergence measures
optimization studies
temperature distribution
After error checking is complete or interrupted, Creo Simulate searches for the following:
boundary edges
boundary faces
Even if you previously used Check Model, you should check your model again to catch errors introduced since you used Check Model, and to take advantage of the extra checks performed at this time.
Once Creo Simulate checks your model for errors, you can resolve them.