Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate Results Window > Results for Native Mode > Defining Result Windows > Step/Combination Selection
Step/Combination Selection
The step/combination selection table displays different columns depending on the design study you select. You can select one or more subsets to include in the result display. If only one subset exists for a design study, the subset is selected by default and you cannot clear its selection.
The possible subsets in the step/combination selection table are:
Load Set/Mode—When you select a static, modal, or steady-state thermal design study, the table lists the load sets or modes used in the study. You can select one or more load set/mode combinations and provide a scaling factor for each load set/mode combination you select. The default scaling factor is 1.0. Note that there are special considerations if you use scaling with centrifugal loads.
* If you have selected the Sum Load Sets option while defining an analysis, the step/combination selection table does not show load sets in the list.
Time/Frequency/Steps—When you select a static analysis with large deformation, dynamic frequency, dynamic time, or transient thermal analysis, the table lists the time, frequency, or load steps present in the design study. These are the user-defined steps you defined when you created the analysis. You can select one step from the list.
Mode, Buckling Load Factor—When you select a buckling or prestress modal design study, the table lists the mode and buckling load factor present in the design study. You can select one mode or buckling load factor from the list.
Steps, Time—When you create a static analysis of a material with elastoplastic material, the table lists the time steps and the value of each time step. For example, suppose you define 4 time steps in your design study and select the Include unloading and Full results check boxes in the Output Steps area on the Output tab of the analysis definition dialog box. Then the number of steps displayed in the Results window is 5. Due to the effects of plasticity, there may be residual stress and strain, even when the load is removed. The last step is unloading, which has a load value of 0.
Return to Study Selection Area or To Define a Result Window.