Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Reference Links > Components for Beam Bending, Tension, Torsion, and Total
Components for Beam Bending, Tension, Torsion, and Total
If the design study you select contains beams, when you select Stress or Strain from the Quantity drop-down list, the Component drop-down list displays the components specific to beams in addition to the other components valid for these quantities.
If you select Stress from the Quantity drop-down list and then select one of the beam components from the Component drop-down list, the check boxes in the Include contributions from beams area become unavailable. You can still select an item from the drop-down list in that area.
These are the beam options that can appear on the stress or strain Component drop-down list:
Beam Bending—Display beam bending in the result window.
Beam Tensile—Display beam tension in the result window.
Beam Torsional—Display beam torsion in the result window.
Beam Total—Display beam tension plus beam bending in the result window.
In FEM mode, the only available component specific to beams is Beam Total for the stress quantity. It appears when you display results from the NASTRAN .xdb file.