Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate Results Window > Results for Native Mode > Viewing Results > Animating Results Display > To Animate a Results Display
To Animate a Results Display
1. Select Animate. The Auto Start check box, the animation buttons, and the Frames entry box become available.
2. If you want to start the animation as soon as the result window opens, select Auto Start.
3. If you want the animation to automatically run in reverse after it runs forward, click .
4. If you want the animation to automatically repeat over and over from the beginning, click .
5. If you want the animation to automatically alternate between forward and reverse, click .
6. Enter the number of frames in the animation or accept the default.
When you display or load a result window with an animation, you can use the slider on the toolbar to speed up or slow down the animation.