Review Beam Section Properties
When you click the
Review button on the
Beam Section Definition dialog box, a browser displays a summary of the computed section properties based on the information you entered for the beam section definition. You can use the browser buttons to print or save the information.
The specific entries included in the summary depend upon your beam section definition and upon the product you are running.
All products:
• Beam Section"Name"—The summary displays the name you specified when you defined the beam section. If you have assigned the beam section to a beam on your model, when you click this link the beam highlights in the model window.
• Description—The summary displays the optional description you included with the section definition.
• Type—The summary displays the beam section type, such as square, channel, or sketched. In addition, for standard section types, the summary displays a figure that illustrates the section dimensions.
• Orientation—For
sketched sections, the summary explains how the coordinate axes in the sketch relate to those in the beam shape coordinate system.
• Dimension—The summary displays the dimensions you entered when defining a standard section.
• Area—The summary displays the area computed for the beam section based upon the specified dimensions. For general sections this is the entered value.
• Iyy, Izz, Iyz—The summary displays the values for Iyy and Izz about the centroid with respect to both the beam centroidal principal (BCPCS) and beam shape (BSCS) coordinate systems. It also includes Iyz in terms of the BSCS.
• J—The summary displays the effective second polar moment of area about the centroid for the beam section.
• Shear Center—The summary displays values for Dy and Dz with respect to the BCPCS. For those sections in which the BSCS is not coincident with the BCPCS, the summary also lists values for Dy and Dz with respect to the BSCS.
• Centroid—The summary displays the computed Y and Z coordinates specifying the location of the origin of the BCPCS system relative to the BSCS.
• Rotation of Principal Axis—The summary displays the computed value for the rotation of the BCPCS around the beam X axis relative to the BSCS. The value is typically non-zero only for sketched sections and L-beams.
• Stress Computation Offsets (Principal Coordinate System)—The summary displays the maximum positive values of the Y and Z offsets for the
beam stress recovery points.
• Grid Points—For all sections, the summary displays the Y and Z coordinates of the stress recovery points with respect to the BCPCS. In addition, for standard section types, the summary displays a figure that relates the labels for the
stress recovery points to the beam section shape. Note that in FEM mode there is a maximum of four stress recovery points.
FEM mode Structure or Thermal: