Plastic Hardening Law Definition Dialog Box
Use the Plastic Hardening Law Definition dialog box to:
• Specify experimental data for true stress versus true total strain.
You need to specify only the data at the yield point and for the plastic part of the stress-strain curve.
• Plot a graph of the true stress versus true total strain values.
• Select a hardening law and specify best-fit material coefficients or allow Creo Simulate to automatically select the hardening law and calculate material coefficients.
• Draw the best-fit curves for different hardening laws.
The Plastic Hardening Law Definition dialog box consists of the following areas:
• Test Area—Creates tests to specify the true stress and true total strain values in a table.
• Graph Area—Plots the true stress and true total strain values specified in a test and draws the best-fit curves for different hardening laws. Use these curves to choose the material model for the creation of elastoplastic materials.
• Material Model—Finds the best hardening law for the test data. You can choose the hardening law material model to draw the best-fit curve and read the root mean square (RMS) error for the material model.