Hard Curves
Refine Model and then click the arrow next to
Control. Click
Hard Curve. The
Hard Curve Control dialog box opens. Use this option to select curves on the model to guide the mesh creation process. These options allow you to influence the mesh that AutoGEM creates by adding sketched curves that force the addition of more elements during meshing.
Specify the following information on the Hard Curve Control dialog box:
• Name—Specify a name for the AutoGEM control or use the default name.
• References Select a curve or an
intent chain of curves that the mesh generator can use to place element nodes and edges. You can select valid geometry before or after opening the
AutoGEM Control dialog box. The
References collector displays your selection.
You can select all types of curves, including composite curves as hard curves.
| Although you can create AutoGEM controls by selecting curves that do not lie on the model geometry, Creo Simulate ignores these controls during meshing. |
Creo Simulate labels the selected curves as Hard Curve on the model.
When you open models created in Wildfire 4.0 and other previous versions of Creo Simulate with the “Use Datum Curve” option selected, Creo Simulate creates a hard curve AutoGEM control using all the datum curves in the model as references.