Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Reference Links > Minimum—Time Evaluation (Thermal Analysis)
Minimum—Time Evaluation (Thermal Analysis)
Creo Simulate calculates the measure using one of several methods, depending on whether you selected At Point or Minimum as the spatial evaluation method.
If you selected At Point as the spatial evaluation method, Creo Simulate calculates the quantity minimum at the selected point over all the time steps. Depending on which time span you select from the ancillary drop-down list, Creo Simulate calculates the quantity minimum over the entire analysis or over a specified time range.
If you selected Minimum as the spatial evaluation method, Creo Simulate calculates the quantity minimum over the model at each step. The software then compares these values and reports the lowest value it finds among the steps. Depending on which time span you select from the ancillary drop-down list, Creo Simulate calculates the quantity minimum over the entire analysis or over a specified time range.
You can find the measure value in the summary file. If you select a spatial evaluation of Maximum or Maximum Abs, this option is not available.
Return to Time Evaluation Method—Thermal Analyses.