Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Reference Links > Spatial Evaluation—Thermal
Spatial Evaluation—Thermal
Select a spatial evaluation method from this option menu on the Measure Definition dialog box. The menu displays only those options that are valid for the quantity and component combination you selected and does not appear for all combinations. After you select the spatial evaluation type from the first option menu, you may see additional option menus or buttons. Some of the spatial evaluation options require that you select a point or several points and appropriate reference entities. You can select them using the arrow button.
Your selection from the following menu determines the type of value Creo Simulate calculates:
At Point—Calculates the value at the point or points you select.
Maximum—Calculates the maximum value.
Minimum—Calculates the minimum value.
Maximum Abs—Calculates the value with the greatest absolute value. This option is not available if you selected Magnitude as the component for your quantity.
Range—Calculates the temperature range. This option is only available if you selected Temperature as the quantity.
For the options Maximum, Minimum, and Maximum Abs, a second option menu appears. For the At Point option, this menu appears as an advanced option only if you selected Temperature Gradient or Heat Flux as your quantity. The menu contains the following items:
Over Model—Specifies that Creo Simulate evaluates the quantity's maximum, minimum, or maximum absolute value over the entire model.
Near Point—Specifies that Creo Simulate evaluates the quantity's maximum, minimum, or maximum absolute value over the plotting grid points you select within the specified radius. This option is not available if you selected At Point.
Over Selected Idealizations—Specifies that Creo Simulate evaluates the quantity's maximum, minimum, maximum absolute, or at point value over the idealizations you select.
Over Selected Components—Specifies that Creo Simulate evaluates the quantity's maximum, minimum, maximum absolute, or at point value over the assembly's component you select.
Over Selected Layers—Specifies that Creo Simulate evaluates the quantity's maximum, minimum, maximum absolute, or at point value over the layers you select.
Over Selected Geometry—Specifies that Creo Simulate evaluates the quantity's maximum, minimum, maximum absolute, or at point value over the geometric entities you select.