Component—Dynamic Analyses
When you define a measure component, you can specify the nature or references for the quantity that you want to measure. The components that you can select on the Measure Definition dialog box depend on the quantity you choose, as discussed below:
• Stress and strain quantities—If you choose Stress or Strain as the measure quantity, you can select components that fall into three categories: derived, normal or shear, and beam.
Derived stresses and strains are calculated for von Mises, max shear (Tresca), maximum principal, minimum principal, and maximum absolute principal stress and strain.
For dynamic random response analyses, stress or strain measures are not calculated if you select Max Shear (Tresca), Max Principal, Min Principal, or Max Abs Principal as components.
For normal or shear stresses and strains, three normal stress or strain directions and three shear stress or strain directions are available. These directions are relative to the current coordinate system.
Beam measures available are beam bending, beam tensile, beam torsion, and beam total. Beam total is a combined measure that reports both beam bending as well as beam tensile stress or strain.
• All other valid quantities—If you choose any of the other quantities valid for dynamic analyses except for Time, you can select either a magnitude component or one of the X, Y, or Z component directions. For magnitude, the measure is calculated using all the three component directions. For component directions, calculations are axis-specific relative to the current coordinate system.
For dynamic random response analyses, measures with a Magnitude component are not calculated.