Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Modeling Structure and Thermal Problems > Measures > Measure Basics > Automatically-Defined Measures
Automatically-Defined Measures
This table lists automatically-defined measures. xxx indicate a variable—typically an entity name or internal identifier.
Resultant force over a bonded or contact interface xxx
Contact area for contact interface xxx
Slippage at any location in the frictional contact interface xxx
Slippage at all locations in the frictional contact interface xxx
Slippage at most of the locations in the frictional contact interface xxx
Maximum value of tangential traction in the frictional contact interface xxx
Maximum value of heat flux through the thermal resistance interface xxx
Rate of total heat transfer across the thermal resistance interface xxx
Shear force for a fastener. It is calculated only if you select the Frictionless Interface check box. The fastener carries all the shear force since there is no friction between the two components.
Shear stress in a fastener. It is calculated only if you select the Frictionless Interface check box and you define stiffness using the Using diameter and material option.
Axial force in a fastener.
Axial stress in a fastener. It is calculated only if you define stiffness using the Using diameter and material option.
Bending moment in a fastener.
Bending stress in a fastener. It is calculated only if you define stiffness using the Using diameter and material option.
Torsional moment in a fastener. It is calculated only if you select the Frictionless Interface check box. The fastener carries all the torsional moment since there is no friction between the two components.
Torsional stress in a fastener. It us calculated only if you define stiffness using the Using diameter and material option and you select the Frictionless Interface check box. In this case the fastener carries all the torsional stress since there is no friction between the two components.
This measure tracks the total normal force between the two fastened components at the fix separation annular region. It is the measure of Ft—Fc where:
Ft—tensional force at the annular region
Fc—compression force at the annular region
A negative value of this measure indicates that there is net compression. Positive values indicate net tension and that the components are separating.
Stress for the contact interface region. It is available only for fasteners connecting solids.
This measure is the ratio of tensile force at the interface to the area in tension at the interface. The area here is the annular stress separation region.
For a valid interface, the value of this measure is zero or a small positive number.
Compressive force in the fastener contact interface region. It is available only for fasteners connecting solids and is calculated only if you select the Fix Separation check box.
Bending moment for the fastener contact interface region. It is available only for fasteners connecting solids and is calculated only if you select the Fix Separation check box.
Shear force on the fastener contact interface region.This measure is available only for fasteners connecting solids. It is calculated only if you select the Fix Separation check box and clear the Frictionless Interface check box.
Torsional moment of the fastener contact interface region. It is available only for fasteners connecting solids and is calculated only if you select the Fix Separation check box and clear the Frictionless Interface check box.
a. These measures are created only if you have selected the Create Slippage Indicators check box while creating the contact interface.
b. This measure is created only if you have selected the Infinite Friction check box while creating the contact.
The xxx_max_tang_traction measures are created if you define a contact with Infinite Friction. The interface measures—xxx_any_slippage, xxx_complete_slippage, xxx_average_slippage are created, if you click the Create Slippage Indicators check box, while creating the contact. The xxx_average_slippage measure is created only if the both surfaces in the contact are planar. These measures indicate if the slippage has occurred in the contact region. To know more about how this measure is created, see Contact Interface.
* When you change the friction setting for an existing contact interface from Finite to None the slippage and traction measures are no longer applicable and are not displayed on the Model Tree.
The measures, xxx_max_heat_flux and xxx_heat_transfer_rate are created , when you define a thermal resistance interface in the Thermal module.
* If you change the type of an existing interface, Creo Simulate does not create the interface measures for the new type automatically.
The static form of all fastener measures are computed for static analyses and dynamic shock analyses. For dynamic analyses “d” appears as a suffix to the measure name. The dynamic form of these measures for dynamic random, dynamic frequency, and dynamic time analyses are calculated. The separation stress measure for dynamic random or dynamic shock analyses are not calculated.
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