Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Modeling Structure and Thermal Problems > Structure Loads > Force and Moment Loads > Spatial Variation
Spatial Variation
You can use the spatial variation options to simulate both simple and complex load variations over the entities for which you are defining the load. These options are useful for models that have localized load concentrations, such as tapering loads and load reversals.
You can use the spatial variation options to define nonuniform loads applied to the geometry of your model. Spatial variation options are available for Thermal heat loads and all Structure entity loads except for bearing loads.
You can select one of the following options to specify how you want to spatially vary the load you are creating:
Uniform—Applies a uniform load over the selected entities. The values entered are multiplied by 1 over the selected entities. The load has no spatial variation.
Interpolated Over Entity
Function of Coordinates
External Coefficients Field
Function of Arc Length