From and To Fields for Dir Points & Mag
Use these input fields for the Dir Points & Mag option to define the direction of the angular acceleration vector as follows:
• The direction of the load vector is from the point specified in the From field to the point specified in the To field.
• You fill in these fields by using the selector arrows to choose points or vertices.
When you use the selector arrow to specify points for these fields, the software translates the point location into the WCS coordinates of the point you picked, even if a UCS was active when you picked the point.
In using the point as a reference location, the software disassociates the vector from the defining points. This means that if the points move during a sensitivity or optimization study, the vector remains unchanged.
• For 2D axisymmetric models, you do not fill in these fields because the angular acceleration vector is always parallel to the WCS Y axis.
• For 2D plane strain and 2D plane stress models, you use only the To field. The angular acceleration vector passes through that axis location and is perpendicular to the WCS XY plane. The software uses the right-hand rule to determine acceleration direction.