Masses Based on Components
Before you create a mass idealization that is based on a component, you must calculate mass properties for the component in Creo Parametric. Perform the following steps in Creo Parametric:
1. Click
File >
Prepare >
Model Properties to open the
Model Properties dialog box.
2. Click change adjacent to Mass Properties to open the Mass Properties dialog box.
3. Specify a value for density.
4. Click Calculate for the other fields in the dialog box to be calculated and populated.
5. Click Generate Report if you want to review the mass properties in a browser window.
6. Click Save to save the values of the mass properties for the component with the default name or Save As to specify another name for the .dat file generated.
7. Click OK.
Be sure to save the component so that the mass will be available for Creo Simulate.
| For tips on alternative methods to assign mass properties before you create a mass idealization, see Guidelines for Assigning Mass Properties. For more information on mass properties, refer to the Fundamentals functional area of the Creo Parametric Help Center. |
Keep the following points in mind when using components for mass definitions in assembly mode:
• You can select a point or vertex on a master representation or a simplified representation. For information on simplified representations, refer to the Fundamentals Help.
• The component that you use to define your mass can be specified as excluded or substituted in the simplified representation. In this case, select the excluded or substituted component from the Model Tree when you define your mass.
• After you define a mass by component, you can confirm the values of the mass, moments of inertia, and center of gravity for the component by using object action or by right-clicking the mass item under Idealizations on the Model Tree and selecting the Info command. The moments of inertia and center of gravity are reported in terms of the component's WCS.