Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Modeling Structure and Thermal Problems > Thermal Loads > Defining Heat Loads > Total Load for Heat Loads
Total Load for Heat Loads
Use the distribution option Total Load on the Heat Load dialog box to distribute a heat load along the length, area, or volume of the entity such that the integral of the load over the selected entity equals the total prescribed value.
Creo Simulate distributes the load as:
Load per unit length for edges or curves
Load per surface area for surfaces
Load per unit volume for volumes
The salient features of this distribution option are:
With this distribution method, the total heat load remains the same even if the entity's length, area or volume change during a sensitivity or optimization design study.
If you select more than one entity, Creo Simulate places the load you create on each entity.
You can apply a heat load to multiple surfaces. In this case, Creo Simulate distributes the load in such a way that all surfaces carry the heat load proportional to the surface area.
Creo Simulate calculates the total load on different entities in the following ways (where Q = heat transfer rate):
Total Load Calculation
edges, beams
Q/arc length of entity
Q/sum of the lengths of the edges that lie on the curve
shells, faces, 2D plates
Q/area of entity
Q/sum of the areas of the shells, faces, or 2D plates on the surface
Volumes, components
Q/ volume of entity
For 2D plane strain and 2D axisymmetric models, a load on a curve, edge, or 2D shell defines what is physically an area load. You enter the amount of such a load on the surface that the curve, edge, or 2D shell represents.
Similarly, a load on a 2D solid defines what is physically internal heat generation. You enter this type of load on the body that the 2D solid represents.
Return to About Heat Loads or To Define Heat Loads.