Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Modeling Structure and Thermal Problems > Meshes > Native Mode Meshes > Creating an AutoGEM Mesh > Surface > Using Surface
Using Surface
When you select the Surface option, Creo Simulate asks you to select one or more surfaces. It then begins to preprocess your model. Preprocessing evaluates your model to determine if the surfaces and topology of your model are meshable, and prepares your model to be meshed. AutoGEM displays messages if it determines, during this phase, that it will not be able to mesh the model given the element limits or other conditions.
After preprocessing is complete, AutoGEM creates a set of shell elements for the model. AutoGEM attempts to optimize elements by trying different element combinations until it finds a set that best meets its criteria.
* Element optimization for shells is typically very fast. If you think that it is taking too long, you can interrupt the process.
Provided you selected the Quad and Tri option on the Settings tab of the AutoGEM Settings dialog box, AutoGEM tries to reduce the number of elements where possible after it creates a complete set of elements. It reduces elements by combining triangular elements into quadrilateral elements. While you can interrupt AutoGEM, allowing it to complete this stage can result in a noticeable reduction in elements, often by 50% or so.
If your model includes idealizations such as beams, springs, or masses, AutoGEM first meshes the surfaces, adding shell elements. It then adds the beams, springs, and so forth.
If AutoGEM completes successfully, the AutoGEM Summary dialog box appears. If AutoGEM does not complete successfully, it displays messages or message boxes explaining the problem and adds this information to the log file.
Return to Surface.