How AutoGEM Uses Existing Geometry
AutoGEM uses existing geometry as follows:
• For 3D models, the Curve option creates beam endpoints on all points associated with curves.
• The Surface option creates element edges on:
◦ surface boundary curves
◦ interior curves associated with surfaces
• The Surface option creates element endpoints on:
◦ points associated with those curves
◦ points directly associated with surfaces
• The Volume option creates element edges on all curves associated with boundary surfaces. Boundary surfaces are surfaces along the outer or inner boundary of a volume. The Volume option creates element endpoints on:
◦ all points associated with curves on boundary surfaces
◦ all points directly associated with boundary surfaces
AutoGEM creates, moves, deletes, or ignores geometry as follows:
• AutoGEM creates multiple edges on a single curve if needed to make the element valid. For example, if a curve spans an arc angle of more than 95
, AutoGEM creates more than one edge on that curve.
• AutoGEM adds extra points to surface interior and boundary curves if needed to generate a complete set of elements.
• AutoGEM moves points or deletes unnecessary points created during meshing unless you deselect the
Move or Delete Existing Points option on the
Settings tab. It does not, however, move or delete user-created datum points.
• AutoGEM ignores points and curves that are not associated with the curves, surfaces, or volumes you select.
• AutoGEM ignores geometry fully encased inside volumes. It does not, however, ignore volume regions or geometry that is associated with the volume boundary.