Understanding the Instruction Area
The Instruction area of the Process Guide dialog box gives you the ability to perform the activities in the Navigation area. Depending on the design of the template, the Instruction area may also include detailed information about the task, links to Help pages, and so forth. Each time you select a task in the Navigation area, the content of the Instruction area changes to reflect that task.
The Instruction area includes at least one instance of hyperlinked text. This hyperlinked text is called an action link. When you click an action link, Process Guide opens the dialog box required to perform the task you are working on. After you complete the dialog box, Creo Simulate changes the status indicator in the Navigation area to indicate that the task is complete and allows you to move to the next task.
The Instruction area may include additional instances of hyperlinked text. These instances of hyperlinked text are called information links. When you click an information link, Process Guide takes you to instructional text such as task procedure descriptions, online help topics, and so forth.
The difference between action links and information links is that action links enable you to perform an action and information links provide you with a better understanding of the task or process that the task is part of. The Instruction area can include multiple information links, but only one action link. The text in the Instruction area should help you distinguish between the link types.