Creo Simulate > References > Data Management > Workspace > Object Operations in the Workspace > Checking In Objects > To Perform an Automatic Checkin
To Perform an Automatic Checkin
1. In an active session of a Creo application, click File > Check In > Auto Check In. Alternatively, you can select and right-click the object name on the Model Tree and click Check In > Auto Check In on the shortcut menu. The name of the file appears in the message area next to the prompt.
2. Accept the default object name or specify the name of another object in session. The name specified must be unique.
3. Click , or press ENTER. To reject the save operation, click X or press ESC. The file is uploaded to the Windchill PDM server. Other PDM users can reference the modified file.
* You can right-click an object on the Model Tree and click Check In > Auto on the shortcut menu.